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Genji Monogatari
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  • 106min/epi
Updated on 19-12-1987

 The Genji Monogatari.

  Based on the literary work of Shikibu Murasaki, The Tale of Genji is a story of the Emperor`s second son born by a courtier. Made a commoner, he served as a retainer to the court.

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Anime Characters

Hikaru Genji

Hikaru Genji


  More about this anime

Other names : T h e T a l e o f G e n j i M u r a s a k i S h i k i b u ' s T a l e o f G e n j i
Country : JP
Studio : Group TAC
Score : 6.0/9.99
Release : 1987-12-19
Aired : None
Duration : 106min/ep
Episodes : None
Status : Completed

Genres :  DramaRomance
